
Section: New Results

Register Allocation and Promotion through Combined Instruction Scheduling, Loop Splitting and Unrolling

Participants : P. Sadayappan [OSU, Columbus, USA] , Fabrice Rastello, Lukasz Domanaga.

Register allocation is a much studied problem. A particularly important context for optimizing register allocation is within loops, since a significant fraction of the execution time of programs is often inside loop code. A variety of algorithms have been proposed in the past for register allocation, but the complexity of the problem has resulted in a decoupling of several important aspects, including loop unrolling, loop fission, register promotion, and instruction reordering.

In this work, we develop an approach to register allocation and promotion in a unified optimization framework that simultaneously considers the impact of loop unrolling, loop splitting, and instruction scheduling. This is done via a novel instruction tiling approach where instructions within a loop are represented along one dimension and innermost loop iterations along the other dimension. By exploiting the regularity along the loop dimension, and a constrained intra-tile execution order, the problem of optimizing register pressure is cast in a constraint programming formalism. Experimental results are provided from thousands of innermost loops extracted from the SPEC benchmarks, demonstrating improvements over the current state of the art.

This work is part of the collaboration with OSU (see Section  8.4 ) and was also done in the context of the collaboration with Kalray and the ManycoreLabs project (see Section  7.2 ). It contributes to the developments of the Tirex toolbox (see  5.17 ). It has also been submitted to PLDI'14.